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Connecting financial strategy to operations through Anaplan

The Challenges:

Heavy reliance on cumbersome spreadsheets with complex formulas for financial processes.

Compromised accuracy and efficiency.

Excel-based workforce planning inhibiting quick responses to market changes.

Approach to linking finance and workforce planning: 

Streamline processes: optimizing the way of working to enhance financial management and workforce management.

Tool selection: Typeform chose Anaplan as the tool for flexible and agile planning.

✅Partner selection: Typeform chose Keyrus for its proven expertise in implementing FP&A and WFP solutions.


Key Results:

infographic typeform v2-01
FP&A_Mesa de trabajo 1

Benefits of implementing Anaplan:

Centralization of data for improved financial control and time savings.

Integration of financial and workforce planning for proactive decision-making.

Revolutionized workflow enabling a cohesive and strategic approach to financial operations.